Japan Bonkote Co.Ltd
LA method soldering iron TB-2175 feature details
BK7 series tip attached

With a wide variety of tip lineup, it covers accurate chip repair to huge parts soldering operation.
BK11 series tip attached

Overwellming heat capacity is useful for heavy duty such as huge transformaer or shassies.
Simple and Quick replacement of iron tips

Unlock the lock-wire and just push in & pull out the iron tip.
Comfortable and easy to handle with light weight flexble cable.Just pull out and push in !! Simple and Quick tip change.
Safty design(The structure of Double-Earth-Line)
Front side
Back side

plug & socket for earth connector
leaf spring and earth terminal

● Double earth line secure one earth line in case of disconnection of the other.
● Secured earth lines protect your products from the electrical breakdown.
● Thoroughly used anti-static agents prevent electro-static.
Aged deteriolation test data
The extract from MIL-STD-2000A
1. The power supply of the soldering iron shall be three core.
2. The leak voltage must not exceed 2mV(RMS).
3. The earth line resistance must not exceed 5Ω